18 March 2005

Happy Birthday to us

Since we were in Tulsa near my birthday, they decided to have a "surprise" birthday party for me and Taryn, who also has a March birthday. The surprise was spoiled shortly before the party, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Blowing out the candles on our "cakes". And yes, we did have our own - Taryn didn't get to blow out my candles.

- Mike (& Corinne)

11 March 2005

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

Tulsa wedding - Mid-March

The first of Corinne's cousins is married! Tor and Clare were married March 11 in Tulsa, OK. It was a fun wedding; we had a great time with all the relatives (as always), hanging out in Tor's coffeeshop, Nordaggio's, meeting many of Tor and Loren's friends, playing basketball, ultimate frisbee, etc.

Kransekake, a traditional Norwegian dessert made from almond paste, was served at the reception. (These came with "some assembly required".)

Loren & Corinne, relaxing outdoors after the ceremony. Loren went on to do a fabulous job keeping the party hopping at the evening reception.

Two proud dads. :)

A "behind the scenes" shot

I have lots more photos from the wedding, of course, but the Internet is a small place. I wouldn't want to clutter it up.

- Mike (& Corinne)

04 March 2005

Ma & Pa Daly visit "The West"

Early March
The first weekend in March, my parents came to visit! It was great to finally be able to show them first-hand where and how we live. We went to brunch at Skamania Lodge and toured the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center, but I think the most enjoyable and interesting part of their trip, at least for us, was when we took a drive towards Mt Adams. We followed the map for a while through the remote town of Glenwood ("Where to these kids go to school way out here?", asks Dad.) It wasn't until about 5 minutes after we left the area covered by our maps that we realized that we had entered the Yakama Indian Reservation. We drove for another half-hour or so until it was clear that the road we were on wasn't going to end anytime soon. And once we lost sight of Mt Adams - a pretty obvious landmark - we decided it was time to turn around. Maybe getting lost in an Indian reservation wasn't the best way to welcome my parents to our new home. :)

Mother and son. (All of the good "family photos" were on Mom & Dad's camera, and I haven't gotten a copy of those yet...)

Remnants of "the old West". This cabin is over 100 years old, and was recently relocated to its current location, for preservation.

Oops... after enjoying a fried meal at "The Logs", a local restaurant, we discovered a flat on the rental car.

- Mike (& Corinne)