03 September 2005

Bushdorfs in Seattle

Corinne's Aunt Patsy and Uncle Jim were in Seattle (from Columbus, OH) for a brief trip, so we decided to take the train up to spend a day with them. We don't get to see them very often!

Patsy, Andrea, Shane and Jim enjoying breakfast with us in West Seattle.

We found a 'dahlia show' listed in the local paper, so we decided to check it out.

Andrea, Corinne and Patsy in the dahlia fields.

I had some fun taking closeup shots of the flowers. Here's one of several butterflies we encountered.

We encountered a plethora of bees in the fields as well, as you can imagine.

Corinne seems to be pretty excited about this particular flower...

After a brief trip to the Glass Museum in Tacoma, Jim gives Leif a hand down the steps.

Sisters, enjoying each others company at dinner.

A fun weekend!

- Mike (& Corinne)

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