09 September 2008

Taryn and David Visit

Taryn visited us for the weekend and brought along her new beau David. A friend of David's was getting married in Trout Lake, of all places! Apparently Trout Lake was a favorite vacation spot due to the spelunking opportunities, so they decided to marry here.

We had a good time getting to know David and showing our guests the local attractions which include the river and neighboring farm animals. The first farm stop was Green Pastures Farm where we get our eggs. (Fresh eggs direct from the farm make one realize that grocery eggs have as much flavor as cardboard! All those bugs that the chickens eat while roaming in the fields must be flavorful.) We admired her beautiful chickens, were entertained by the donkeys, and gave the barn kitties some love.

The next stop was at the White Water Holsteins Organic Dairy, a member of the Organic Valley Coop. During Taryn's visit in February, Mazzi had a good time checking out the cows. This time most of the attention was focused on the calves. This one apparently thought that milk should come out of Taryn's finger.

The last weekend activity was a stop by Bingen's Huckleberry Festival to see our favorite entertainer, The Reptile Man. He tours with all sorts of reptiles and snakes and puts on quite a show, for child and adult alike.

Their visit also coincided with the peak of the gorge harvest. They went home with a trunk full of corn, peaches, pears, tomatoes, huckleberries, nectarines, and more! Taryn has lots of plans for canning and pickling, so we hope to see some of those fruits and veggies again some day. ;)

- Corinne and Mike

1 comment:

  1. you guys should put a lilipie age counter on your blog so we know how old anders is! :)
