02 August 2016

Here's The Baby!

On Monday, we went to Mt. Hood Medical Center to attempt to manually turn our breech baby. The turning didn't work, but remember that part where we said there was a small risk that attempts to turn the baby may cause us to actually deliver? Well, guess what?

We are delighted to announce that our baby boy has arrived!

Name: Baby Eon1
Weight: 6lbs 5oz
Length: 19.5 inches long
Born: August 2, 2016 at 12:24am

Mom and baby are both doing well. We'll save the rest of the story for later. But for now, enjoy this photo of our "splayed chicken", about 10 hours old. (Breech babies often look that way.)

- Mike, Corinne, Anders, and "Baby Eon"

1 Eon is what we have chosen to call the baby until we make a final decision on his real name.

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