Tulsa wedding - Mid-March

The first of Corinne's cousins is married! Tor and Clare were married March 11 in Tulsa, OK. It was a fun wedding; we had a great time with all the relatives (as always), hanging out in Tor's coffeeshop, Nordaggio's, meeting many of Tor and Loren's friends, playing basketball, ultimate frisbee, etc.

Kransekake, a traditional Norwegian dessert made from almond paste, was served at the reception. (These came with "some assembly required".)

Loren & Corinne, relaxing outdoors after the ceremony. Loren went on to do a fabulous job keeping the party hopping at the evening reception.

Two proud dads. :)

A "behind the scenes" shot
I have lots more photos from the wedding, of course, but the Internet is a small place. I wouldn't want to clutter it up.
- Mike (& Corinne)