29 November 2013
01 November 2013
Anders, the Fox
It took Anders quite a while to settle on what he wanted to be for Halloween this year. For a while, his top choice seemed to be a "super taster" ala the They Might Be Giants song. That certainly would have been a challenging costume, both for us making it and those trying to guess. Thankfully, after much equivocation, he finally decided on a fox. And yes, the decision was significantly influenced by a certain Norwegian comedy duo's viral hit.
While we do enjoy a good homemade costume, we also try to be realistic about how much time we actually have. So we first consulted with our go-to for homemade-by-someone-else items, Etsy, where we found a felt mask and tail. Corinne and her mom are both excellent seamstresses, so they decided to split the rest of the costume into top and bottom to ensure that it was finished on time. They both spent a number of late nights working on the project, but I must say that the results were worth it.
As is usually the case with these kinds of projects, the small details make all the difference. The hood has a white lining, and the belly can be removed to turn it from costume into fuzzy running suit. But our favorite part is the paws, which are actually fingerless mittens with a flap.
Corinne and I put on some of Anders's other play masks, and voila! A woodland family Halloween.
This year we watched the White Salmon elementary school Halloween parade as all of the kids walked around town.
It was warm enough for everyone to be comfortable as Anders and Lauren danced around the park.
Yes, Velociraptors had feathers. And who is to say that they weren't pink? Every costume needs a pink feather boa.
Bridger joined in for the White Salmon downtown trick-or-treating.
Our last stop was to our old daycare buddy, Zak's house. They spent the majority of the time handing candy out to the other kids, which was just fine with us.
Happy Halloween!
- Mike, Corinne, and Anders
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