Garden Update: 8 weeks
Now that we've weeded the majority of the garden (sans the bed we lost 100% to the weeds...), we decided to try reseeding one of the non-producing beds with herbs and more lettuce & spinach. So far, the re-seeding seems to be fairly successful.
But we have started to have more of a problem with the deer. Either they tired of the buckwheat, or perhaps the buckwheat is past its prime and they have moved on. Either way, the deer have recently discovered the lone uncovered pepper plant, and they really did a job on the potatoes. I'm hopeful that the potatoes have enough root structure below the surface, and greens left above, to continue to recover from the onslaught. Time will tell...
We've also started to encounter another pest in the garden, one we had hoped wouldn't find our little garden patch: gophers. The pocket gophers stayed out of the garden until very recently, either because they hadn't discovered it yet or because they didn't want to tunnel under the hard-packed driveway which surrounds the garden plot. But they have discovered it, and so far we haven't been successful in detering them in any way.
Arggh! I guess we should focus on the "experimental" nature of the garden, and try to make the best of it.
- Mike (& Corinne)
I see your Blog and now i know why you are in Wonderland!!...Have a nice life!!!! :)