Winter Wonderland
At 1700' elevation, Trout Lake gets a significant amount of snow each year. On the Saturday night of Thanksgiving weekend, we were blanketed with about a foot of new snow! While the majority of our visitors had left by this point, Leif and Loren were still here to frolic in the snow with us.
Our first activity was the ever-popular snow angels. Loren started us off by falling backwards into the snow, but apparently he over-estimated the cushioning factor of the snow. He spent the next several minutes just lying in the snow, recovering.
The snow was the perfect consistency for packing, so our next activity was making snow "forts". Loren and I each built a snow wall to protect from the onslaught of the other, then proceeded to hurl snowballs at each other, like when we were kids. Corinne worked as an independent contractor, helping both of us build our respective forts, while Leif was a sniper whose only protection was his stealth.
Watch and listen to a video of the battle here.
And of course, we just HAD to build a snowman. But not just any snowman - we were out to build the biggest snowman we could. The snow was so perfect for it that it didn't take long to construct a base with about a 4 foot diameter. The mid-section required 3 people in order to successfully hoist it upon the base, followed soon after by the head.
We were quickly losing the light, so we rushed to add the stick arms, charcoal eyes, mouth and buttons, carrot nose, scarf, cowboy hat and snowboarding gloves. All hail our 9 foot snowman overlords!
The setting sun over our snow-laden trees provides a beautiful sight to end a fun-filled weekend.

- Mike (& Corinne)
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