10 July 2009

Mango and Other New Foods

We've been gradually introducing new solid foods to Anders. So far he has eaten everything that we've put in front of him, and generally doesn't exhibit much of a reaction to the new flavors.

Plums gave us the obligatory "messy food face" photos, which were surprisingly hard to get; in general he's a pretty controlled eater.

With some of the more tart foods that we've given him, such as yogurt or mango, his reaction is unmistakable.

The best part is that after all of those faces, he still wanted more! He must love the tart foods, just like his dad.

- Mike, Corinne, and Anders Rocket


  1. Wow this video is SUPER cute! I just have to ask...WHERE are you getting "Tart" mango? Mango is one of the sweetest fruits out there....Was it ripe?

  2. This looks like my reaction to wasabi. It makes the top of my head shoot off, I blink and my eyes water, but I still eat more.
